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Pagedoll thingie I made for my page, because I'm actually gonna try to decorate dat fucker for once...and I needed my something cute of my 'babes' for it~ :icondoge1plz::icondoge2plz: :heart:

Oh gosh can I just hggnsss GUSH OVER MY LOVE FOR THESE TWO FOR A MINUTE?! :iconcannotevenplz:

Hggnn okay when I begin a RP between OCs who don't know each other I look for this certain 'spark' and chemistry between the characters to see the possible formation of what the relationship between the two might be. Now when I say 'looking to see what relationship they might have', I don't mean a 'romantic' one, but moreso if it is going to be a possible friendship, possible enemies, or even frenemies. If I don't feel that spark and enjoy the chemistry it is VERY DIFFICULT for me to stay focused and invested in the RP......
I do NOT have that problem with these two HGNGNNS. :iconpapcryplz:
Bubbles (:iconmamabubbles:) and I have been rping these two for months now and I have loved EVERY RP (whether it be canon/AU/GB/future/etc.) we've done of them. I mean, I have sat in agony waiting for replies on some of them because either things got really intense and it's like 'Oh man how is he going to react to that? *bites nails like an RP junkie while hitting refresh button constantly* What is he going to say next? :icondoge1plz:' or they might be sharing an actual sweet moment and it's like 'Oh Bubbles please....I need this presh for my heart..*sobs while staring at screen while hitting refresh button constantly* to break it even more...:iconnanakosobplz:". Oh gosh and don't even get me started on when I lose one in replies and can't find it....*sobs* :icontouchedplz:
It's that good that it makes me that sad of a person//shot :iconlazypoolplz:

Because I think that's one of the things that I enjoy most about the RPs between them that there is a variety because they don't always feel a certain way about each other, I mean I even joke with Bubbles and say that if they had a theme song it would be 'Hot and Cold' because that is how their relationship pretty much is lol,and that affects the moods of the RPs. Another thing I enjoy is his 'reactions' to her 'actions'. MP3 is meant to be a 'quirky and eccentric' character, hence most of her actions are erratic and meant to be taken that way, but in the past with some other RPs I have had with her....sometimes I find that others shrugged off the fact that her actions were abnormal and treated the situation as what she did or said was 'normal', not questioning or pointing out the oddness in it, like not even in their monologue......and to me that's the worse thing for a character like her. A character can only be quirky if others take notice in it and view it and acknowledge them as being so, but if they treat it as what they do is normal..lkadjsfkla THEN THEY ARE JUST NORMAL! I actually did a starter with her as a test once and sat up a situation where she was being odd, and I was surprised at how many character responses were so......'accepting' of her behavior. Especially with not knowing her, because it was all characters that were strangers to her that responded...and more realistically strangers aren't that accepting of odd behavior and at least question it..since they have no impressions to go on about them.

Mip does that. He gives realistic reactions to the things that she does and he sometimes even just flat out tells her she's weird. Sometimes he keeps his opinions of her actions to himself, but his monologue of his thoughts on it...ARE PRETTY FRIGGIN' HILARIOUS PFFT! :iconpapmingplz:
Going back to having variety, Mip is usually grumpy towards her, but he's not 'always' grumpy. There are times when he lets his wall down and will play along with her antics and laugh, joke, and smile with her. He comes across as if he doesn't have patience, but to me he has the patience of a SAINT! Since the beginning MP3 has touched on him, and she touches on him ALL the time, whether it being pulling/smushing his cheeks (whichshedoesalot), touching his hair, putting her fingers on the corners of his mouth and stretching it to make it look like he's talking, or rubbing/laying her face on his chest hair (whichshedoesALOT), she just CONSTANTLY touches on him. Although he usually's pretty cool with it and allows her to do so, but if he doesn't want her to touch him he just simply removes her hands from him; he's yet to scold her about it. Also he's really patient about her constant questioning, because since he's genius-level smart and she's.....hgnggs..'not very smart', she tends to ask him many questions, and although they usually annoy him he never shows it and just answers her questions anyway. Although he does lose his patience with her at times, when she pushes him too far on certain things....

Mature Content

HP Q4 by MamaBubbles
 pfft  6 v 6 
They can be civil with each other, but they're both a little hotheaded so they get into arguments/bicker sometimes. Although I believe MP3 is more hotheaded than he is because she tends to be the one who gets mad more often and initiates most of their fights (becauseshefliesoffthehandleSOQUICKlikeallthetime//shot). She even has got physical a few times, such as stomping on his face once. ESPECIALLY in the beginning when first getting to know him because she constantly had issues with his 'mouth', but with time she's getting less heated with him...well enough not to hit him. He's not innocent either though because sometimes he makes subtle threats to her like "Do you want to go 'swimming'?" sometimes, although she doesn't take them to heart because she knows he really wouldn't hurt her for real. 
HGGNSSS, but one of their main RPs is like my favorite because despite them usually being butts to each other they actually had a moment and MP3 got to experience emotions I've never been able to let her experience in an RP before.  

Mip has like this super sad past and it involves the reason why he goes by his fake name, Igor. Now MP3 has always known him as 'Igor' and refers to him as such, but when finding out his real name she called him it several times to tease him. He flipped out about it and tried to walk away to calm down, but MP3 went behind him mad and explaining that she was only playing with him and that he shouldn't be such a baby about the whole thing and called him by his real name again just because he told her never to do it again. This caused him to go off on her..and when I say 'go off'...I mean HE 'WENT OFF' ON HER! NO ONE in any RP I've done with her has ever went off on her (even when she did something that was worthy of getting chewed out, which she has done so many of times//shot). Anyway, what he said to her really got to her and if she could cry tears...she would have been crying while she was on that floor because what he said hit her hard and some of it brought up insecurities she has about herself. However, he felt bad for what he said afterward though because he had just said it all in anger, so he tried to apologize for his actions, but she didn't want to talk to him until his adoptive brother explained to her why he is the way he is. After hearing that she was more open and went to talk to him more about that, and he was reluctant to share his past with her at first, but then finally told her his story and HGGGNNSS WHAT A STORY IT WAS, BUT I feel like her learning that helped them to be closer friends~ ; v ; 

Another thing that I enjoy is the DESTRUCTION that these two cause together (don'tlettheinnocentchibisofthemfoolyou//shot). I've always wanted a destructive duo and these are my destructive babes~ they get into shit all the time pfft. They actually fit a lot of the categories that I listed I wanted in my friendship/ship wishlist like: one is smarter than the other (coughMipis), one is older than the other(coughMP3is), both can be major assholes to each other (although they aren't 'assholes' to one another really, they just like to prank and annoy the other A LOT pfft, but then they are really sweet to one another afterward/oncetheotherismad//shot ), and a destructive duo that blows up junk all the time. THESE TWO ARE ALL OF THESE IN ONE! THEY ARE BASICALLY MY DREAM SHIP! :iconomg-blushplz: :heart:

Which is why I am REALLY HAPPY they are 'officially' a couple now~ :iconcblushplz:
Bubbles and I have been rping them since March, but we as admins didn't go "FUCK I SHIP DEM THEM!/"OH MY GOD ME TOO I LOVE THEIR CHEMISTRY!" until May, but they were no where near the crushing stage then, so we rped them more~ and finally on September 30th Mip confessed and then she confessed back and now they are 'babes' hggns :iconblushuplz: :heart:

Oh gosh though they make me so happy~  and I've actually become so attached to this ship that it does give me that 'tightness in my chest' at certain moments  that you feel when you really FEEL something. I've actually cried one time when we did a short ( we both HAD to stop, so it was a very short rp pfft) RP once..because I'm so emotionally attached that the thought of it...did bring me to actual tears. 
I just love everything about their relationship and how well they work for each other and understand the other. Oh gosh and the family they're gonna build in the future~ wait till you see all their cute children~ all their '9' cute children HGGNNSS~ :iconpapcryplz: :heart:

But I also really love my Bubbles senpai too~ because along with rping we talk and joke about stuff on the side and shoot off headcanons. Their ship name was actually a joke, but then we were like "Shit...THAT COULD WORK THOUGH! :iconmingplz:". Hence, why they are M&M, nottobeconfusedwiths&m//shot. I really have fun talking/joking with her and feel like I can talk 'freely' with her~ She's a very good friend and a sweet person and if you don't watch her already then you totally should go over and do so because you're missing a gem~ ; v ; :heart: 

But expect to see more of these two hgngss :iconpapcryplz: :heart:
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AnAdminNamedPaul's avatar
Too soon to assume but...

Let there be ship$!

Rocky and Chives starts driving by in toy boat-cycles*